The Friends of St Brigid's Association are the caretakers of a community owned precinct in
South West Victoria that celebrates a unique Australian Irish history.
To preserve and restore the buildings of St. Brigid’s and their surrounds.
To create an accessible community gathering space suitable for meeting and events.
To assist in the preservation and restoration of the unique cultural history of Crossley,Killarney and Koroit.
To provide a forum for the discussion of local community needs.
The Association states that ‘during its operation, the assets and income of the
association shall be applied solely in furtherance of its objects and no portion shall be distributed directly or indirectly to the members of the association.’
The St Brigids community works to provide a cultural and community heart for our rural community.
Events are run monthly, dance and music classes held weekly and the Church adn Hall are lovingly maintained for our community to hold their weddings, funerals and celebrations in our community, a place that has such a long history with our families, friends and community members.
The Friends of St Brigids Association Inc formed in 2006 when the local community were informed that the local church and hall were being sold. The community has raised funds and taken out a community mortgage to buy the precinct on behalf of the community to keep the precinct as the 'St Brigids Australian-Irish Cultural Heritage and Community Centre'
Church up on the Hill
Written by Shane Howard for the Saving St Brigids campaign - The Church up on the Hill' became the rallying song for a community to protect their local church and Hall.